The cheetah is rightfully the fastest animal on the planet.
When chasing prey, it accelerates to 121 km/h and keeps it at a distance of 500 meters or more.
What is the fastest cheetah in the world
Nevertheless, the fastest cheetah, reaching speeds of up to 98 km per hour, was a female cheetah named Sarah, who set this record in 2012.

It should be noted that scientists cannot keep track of all the cheetahs in the world, and there may be individuals that run faster than Sarah.
Why are cheetahs solitary
Observations of cheetahs have confirmed the fact that males living in coalitions are larger than solitary ones.
In addition to the benefits in hunting and defense, males of the coalition have a higher chance of reproduction.
The more males in the group, the larger the territory they control, and therefore the more females living in the territory under their control.
Why is the cheetah listed in the Red Book
The main reasons for the catastrophic decline in the number of cheetahs in all areas of its range are the development of desert areas and plowing of lands, and in this connection the disappearance of ungulates, mainly goitered gazelles, as well as direct persecution of the cheetah by poachers.
Cheetahs became extinct in India in the mid-20th century.
However, they will soon return to this country.
Eight cheetahs from Namibia will be released into Kuno Palpur National Park in Madhya Pradesh state in mid-August, The Guardian reports.