Dog skin abscess: Keep your pets safe

12.09.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Some breeds are more prone to various illnesses and diseases, but some health problems can happen to any pet.

One of the most unpleasant health issues is skin abscess, and if your dog has it, then it's up to you to help it.

Let's find out more about this condition and what to do.

sad dog

What is it?

When a dog has a skin abscess, it means there's a swollen, painful lump filled with pus under its skin. 

Imagine it like a big, pimple-like bump on the dog's body.

This happens when bacteria or foreign material, like splinters or thorns, get under the dog's skin. 

The dog's body tries to fight off the invader, and this creates the abscess.

The main signs

You might notice the dog licking, biting, or scratching the area a lot because it's uncomfortable. 

The lump can be warm to touch and might break open, releasing a smelly discharge.

What can you do?

Skin abscesses in dogs should be treated by a veterinarian. 

They might need to drain the pus, clean the area, and prescribe antibiotics to clear the infection. 

It's essential to get proper care to help the dog feel better and prevent complications.


Keep an eye on your dog's health - some signs can always help you understand that something goes terribly wrong.

It's always easy to prevent skin abscess, so visit your vet regularly and check your pet friend's health.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. What is it?
  2. The main signs
  3. What can you do?
  4. Conclusion