Dolphins aren't actually that kind: The misrepresentation of these unusual animals

20.06.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

We often hear that dolphins aren't just smart, but also extremely kind and friendly towards humans.

While sometimes they can be friendly and nice, sometimes they are far from being kind - and it's just a part of their nature.

Here are some facts of why you should be careful while communicating with these animals.

Predatory Nature

Dolphins possess sharp teeth and powerful jaws that they use to catch and consume their food, which primarily consists of fish and other marine animals. 

Their friendly demeanor should not overshadow their predatory nature, as they are driven by the need to feed and survive.


Aggression and Competition

Dolphins, especially males, can exhibit aggressive behavior towards each other and other species. 

This aggression is often seen during mating rituals, territorial disputes, or when competing for resources. 

They may engage in aggressive interactions such as biting, head-butting, or ramming each other.

Interactions with Humans

There have been incidents where dolphins have displayed aggressive behavior towards humans, particularly in situations where they feel threatened or when their natural behaviors are disrupted by human interaction.

Social Hierarchy

Dolphins engage in social interactions that can involve dominance displays and power struggles. 

This social structure can sometimes result in aggressive behavior towards weaker or subordinate individuals within the group.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Predatory Nature
  2. Aggression and Competition
  3. Interactions with Humans
  4. Social Hierarchy