Don't do this to your cat: Pet owner's tips

03.01.2024 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

When it comes to being a good pet owner to your cat, everything seems easy - you are supposed to feed your cat and clean its litter box regularly.

Meanwhile, lots of pet owners don't realize that they make some mistakes that can potentially harm their fluffy friend.

Here are a few things you should never do to your pet to keep it happy and healthy.


Avoid shouting

Cats don't understand shouting and it can make them scared or anxious. 

Use calm and gentle communication instead.

Respect their body

Avoid pulling your cat's tail or ears, as it can cause them pain and distress. 

Treat their body parts with care.

Don't force them

Never force your cat into uncomfortable situations, like tight spaces or interactions with unfamiliar people or animals. 

Respect their boundaries and let them feel safe.

Provide food and water

Never withhold food or water from your cat. 

They need regular meals and access to fresh water for their well-being.

Attend to their health needs

Don't neglect your cat's health. 

Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and proper grooming are crucial for their well-being.

Use pet-safe products

Avoid using harsh or harmful products on your cat. 

Some human products, like toxic cleaning chemicals or medications, can be dangerous for them. 

Stick to pet-safe alternatives.

Never leave them in a hot car

Avoid leaving your cat alone in a hot car. 

Cars can heat up rapidly, which can lead to heatstroke or even death. Keep them out of hot vehicles.

Avoid overfeeding

Don't overfeed your cat, as it can lead to obesity and health issues. 

Follow your veterinarian's advice on proper portion sizes for their diet.

Previously, we talked about puppy training.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Avoid shouting
  2. Respect their body
  3. Don't force them
  4. Provide food and water
  5. Attend to their health needs
  6. Use pet-safe products
  7. Stick to pet-safe alternatives.
  8. Avoid overfeeding