English Bulldog: Health Problems

22.11.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

As noted in an article in the journal Canine Medicine and Genetics, for the well-being of English Bulldogs, it is necessary to reduce the requirements for the breed's exterior.

What diseases do English bulldogs have

English Bulldogs may be genetically predisposed to elbow and hip dysplasia.

They often have inflammatory eye diseases, chronic conjunctivitis, entropion, and dry eye syndrome.

Skin pathologies may occur - allergic dermatitis, otitis, inflammation of skin folds.

How to tell if your French Bulldog is sick

The main signs of allergies are rashes or redness on the skin, frequent sneezing and difficulty breathing, hair loss, nausea, and problems with bowel movements.


When identifying such symptoms, the first step is to find out what exactly the allergen is.

How long do English bulldogs live on average

The average lifespan of English Bulldogs is over 8 years.

Moreover, among bulldogs who happily lived to old age and did not have severe chronic diseases, it was 11 years.

What not to feed an English Bulldog

Like other dog breeds: sweet, salty, smoked (and also fatty for bulldogs) are strictly prohibited.

The basis of nutrition is porridge (buckwheat, rice, rolled oats), it is better to cook it in meat or bone broth (poultry, beef, rabbit).

Do not give any bones to the bulldog.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What diseases do English bulldogs have
  2. How to tell if your French Bulldog is sick
  3. How long do English bulldogs live on average
  4. What not to feed an English Bulldog