Expert Explained: Where Homeless Animals Come From

31.05.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

The main reason for the growth in the number of neglected animals is people.

According to researchers, 85% of stray animals are former pets.

The pets were either kicked out by the owners, or they were self-walking and got lost.


In the article we will talk about the problem of homeless animals.

Where do homeless animals come from and what to do about it

There are two types of origin of homeless animals:

1. Animals born on the street and never had owners.
2. Animals that once had owners, but due to various circumstances ended up on the street. These two types of animals differ from each other in behavior, attitude towards humans, habits.

You need to start solving the problem with each person who has an animal or is going to acquire one.

Abandoned pets end up in temporary detention facilities for homeless animals.

Each owner must understand that he is obliged to castrate (or sterilize) his pet. Sterilization prevents uncontrolled reproduction of animals. This is especially important if your pet is on its own: being neutered or neutered, it will definitely not bring unwanted offspring.

If you are worried about your pet and wonder about safety. We can tell you with confidence that sterilization is an operation worked out to the smallest detail.

Modern anesthesia is so perfect that it minimizes the risk of complications. All your pet will feel is a little discomfort in the first days after the procedure.

The fate of homeless animals depends on each of us. The most important of human qualities is mercy, people should help.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource