People tend to underestimate animals. In the article we will talk about this in more detail.
Do animals feel pain
You can often hear the opinion that animals have a higher pain threshold and are not as sensitive to pain as humans. However, this is a false belief. Any animal can experience pain just like humans.
People, dogs, cats, dolphins, whales, birds, frogs, and even, according to scientists, earthworms experience pain.

In addition, according to a study by the University of Portsmouth and international animal welfare charity The Donkey Sanctuary, animal health improves significantly when people recognize their ability to experience emotions.
How do you know if an animal is in pain
Our pets have the same pain perception mechanisms as we do, so when they get sick, injured or after surgery, they also suffer from pain. Our pets can't speak, so they can't complain aloud when they feel uncomfortable.
Lack of desire to play, as well as a general change in external condition - lethargy, inactivity or, conversely, increased activity, anxiety, can also be signs that something hurts your pet.
In any case, if you notice a strong change in the behavior of the animal, contact your veterinarian immediately.