Expert Tips: How to Take Care of Your Pet's Health Properly

03.08.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

According to a survey by the American Pet Products Association, almost 70% of US households own a pet.

How to keep your pet healthy

The general health of both cats and dogs should be checked regularly - at least once a year. It is advisable to examine a pet every six months, and old and newborn cats and dogs - once every 1-3 months.

How to check your cat's health

One of the best ways to diagnose a cat's health is with a blood test. Depending on the purpose of the study and the parameters evaluated in laboratory tests, blood tests are divided into general and biochemical. A complete blood count is one of the first examinations that a veterinarian should order.

What is included in a complete blood count in dogs

With a general blood test in dogs, you can determine the size of the hematocrit, erythrocyte indices, the concentration of the most important elements and alpha-amino acids. In case of inflammation or infection, the diagnosis of a leukogram is recommended. It represents the ratio of different types of leukocytes to each other as a percentage.

How do you know if an animal is in pain

Painful sensations of a cat can also be expressed in a change in the place of coping (not in a tray specially designated for these purposes, but on a sofa or carpet), in refusing food or water (it hurts the animal to eat or the food taken causes inconvenience while already in the stomach or intestines), in weight loss.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to keep your pet healthy
  2. How to check your cat's health
  3. What is included in a complete blood count in dogs
  4. How do you know if an animal is in pain