Expert Tips: What You Need to Know Before Getting a Dog

06.08.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Before you get a pet, you need special preparation. In the article we will tell you what is important to consider.

How to know if you should get a dog

Before getting a dog, you need to make sure that you do not have allergies. And if it is, check what exactly can cause it. In the case of dogs, we can talk about several pathogens: wool, saliva drops, skin particles, secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands, and other physiological secretions.

Before you get a pet, doctors first of all advise you to take tests to detect allergies. – There are special skin tests. An allergen is applied to a person, and the doctor evaluates the reaction after 15–20 minutes. Also, in some clinics, an analysis is made for a specific allergen of cat hair.

Photo: Pixabay

What kind of dog to get for the first time

Dachshund, Welsh Corgi, Poodle, Beagle, Schnauzer, Great Dane, Bernese Mountain Dog, Chow Chow, Golden Retriever, Papillon, Cocker Spaniel, Labrador, Jack Russell Terrier, Chihuahua are best suited for a beginner dog breeder.

What is the best age to buy a dog

Therefore, in most cases - the age of 2-3 months is optimal in order to acquire a puppy.

How long should you stay at home with your puppy

Do not check with long absences how long you can leave a puppy alone at home, it is better to accustom him to this gradually: you can’t leave one puppy at home for more than 4 hours at a month old, for more than 5 hours at a two-month-old, for more than 6 hours at a three-month-old hours.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to know if you should get a dog
  2. What kind of dog to get for the first time
  3. What is the best age to buy a dog
  4. How long should you stay at home with your puppy