Fun Fact: How Far Can Cats Go From Home

16.05.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Probably, if you have a cat that goes out for a walk, you wonder how far he goes. In the article, you will learn about the behavior of domestic cats on the street.

How far do cats walk

According to studies, cats that go out for walks stay in the vicinity of the house.

In general, cats move only 50 meters from their home. The maximum distance can be a quarter of a mile.

Cats that walk far are rather an exception to the rule.

How to track your pet's walks

You can track your pet's location in real time using a GPS/GLONASS tracker.


This device is attached to the collar (or already built into it) and transmits a GPS signal about the location of the animal to the owner. Some trackers use a radio signal for this.

Such a device will help you find out where your cat goes and what he likes to do.

In addition, a tracker collar is a useful and effective thing in case of loss of an animal.

You can also place a special, small video camera on the cat's collar. The device will interestingly show the pastime of your pet in the first person.

Sometimes animals accidentally get into other people's houses or are stuck somewhere. This way you will know and keep track of what your furry pet is doing.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How far do cats walk
  2. How to track your pet's walks