Training dogs using aversive stimuli, which involve punishment for misbehavior, shows higher levels of stress compared to dogs trained using reward methods, according to a study published Dec. 16 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Ana Catarina.
Vieira de Castro of University of Porto (Portugal) and her colleagues.
At what age should you start training puppies
Some experts recommend starting dog training at 6-7 months.

However, according to experienced breeders, many dog breeds are ready for training at 3-4 months of age.
Puppies are easy to train, quickly train and remember commands well.
They grow up to be smart and obedient dogs.
What is the first command to teach a puppy
You should give the dog the command “Sit!” or “Lie down!”, since it is more difficult to fall out of these positions, so it is better to start with them.
Stand opposite and say the command “Wait!”, with your palm facing away from you, fingers up.
Then step back a little, wait a few seconds, move back closer and encourage compliance.
How to explain to a puppy not to bite
Hold a few treats in your fist and get your puppy's attention by moving your fist near his nose.
Praise when the puppy walks nearby and takes food carefully.
Correct the behavior if it begins to bite and snatch food by force.