Gut microbiome: the key to our pets’ health

02.07.2024 05:00

An animal's gut microbiome also influences health.

How gut health affects your pet's well-being

The gut microbiome of dogs and cats influences behavioral, cardiovascular and immune gut health, according to research.

That’s why it’s so important to monitor your pet’s diet and digestive system health.

Due to similar lifestyles, people and pets often suffer from similar diseases.

The health and normal functioning of the intestines affects the overall health of the animal: physical and mental.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Additionally, the state of the microbiome in a cat or dog's gut may contribute to both the progression and prevention of digestive system diseases.

Therefore, it is important to feed your pets small amounts of fruits and vegetables.

For example, cucumbers, pumpkin, carrots, apples, pears.

You should not feed cats and dogs avocados, raisins, and grapes. These are toxic foods for pets.

Previously, we talked about when to spay or neuter a dog.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource