Cats are quite social animals. In this article, we will tell you how these animals communicate with each other.
How cats communicate with each other
The way cats communicate includes several sounds: purring, meowing and hissing.
Animals rarely use the special cat language to communicate with each other, since they understand each other perfectly without words.

Pets receive information non-verbally: by sight, smell and movements.
However, to enhance some emotion, cats can use vocalizations.
If a cat makes a short meow, the animal is most likely calling you somewhere. For example, play.
Cats that are friends with each other greet each other nose to nose.
A person can imitate this behavior by tilting and gently extending their arm.
Many cats will come up and sniff your hand, and may even say hello.
What do the sounds cats make mean
When a cat meows intensely, it indicates severe fear or anxiety.
Hissing indicates the animal's anger.
A quiet, calm meow indicates a relaxed state.
For example, about a request to feed or pet.
Previously, we told you how to determine the health of a cat by its nose.