How a dog chooses an owner: interesting facts

24.06.2024 01:00

Dogs often choose one owner. What is the reason for this choice of pet?

In addition, how do you know that you are the owner of the dog?

How to understand that a dog thinks you are in charge

The dog will probably consider you as its owner if you are a calm and predictable person.

For pets, it is important that you feed them, walk them, and play with them.

Therefore, as a rule, dogs love those who pay them the most attention and express love and care towards them.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Your dog probably considers you the owner if the animal yawns in harmony with you.

A reciprocal yawn depends on the degree of emotional closeness between the pet and the person.

If a dog loves and appreciates you, the animal looks into your eyes for a long time.

In this way, the pet expresses its love and affection for you.

In addition, your dog considers you the owner if the pet brings you its toys or other things.

Another sign of an animal's devotion is sleeping nearby.

If, when looking into the eyes, the pet remains calm, and the facial expression is kind and peaceful - this is a sign of calmness next to you

Indeed, in a dog pack, direct eye contact means aggression and dominance between animals.

How does a dog choose its owner

It is absolutely normal for a dog to choose one person.

Since they are social animals, it is important for them to stay close to the person who is most caring.

If you feed your dog, walk your pet more often than others, play together at home and outside, the dog will most likely choose you.

In addition, a dog chooses you as its owner and faithful friend if the animal feels safe next to you.

Previously, we told you how to properly pet a cat.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to understand that a dog thinks you are in charge
  2. How does a dog choose its owner