How a dog's sense of smell works: amazing facts

04.08.2024 03:00

A dog's sense of smell is very different from a human's.

What is a Dog's Sense of Smell Like

The inner surface of a dog's nose is lined with a thicker and more extensive olfactory epithelium compared to humans. 

While humans have an olfactory epithelium that is about 7-10 cm², dogs have one that spans approximately 250-400 cm², making it 15 times larger. 

This allows dogs to distinguish smells from distances up to 1 km or even more.

Humans tend to "listen" to smells, but dogs simply breathe them in. 

Photo: © Belnovosti

They take 3-7 breaths in quick succession, gathering information within their nasal cavity. 

This process concentrates the smell, helping the dog to identify it more accurately.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource