How often you should feed your dog: Don't overfeed it

12.06.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Feeding your pets isn't as easy as you might think, because age, size and breed of your dog matter a lot.

Your pet might seem hungry and looking for snacks all the time, but your responsibility as an owner is to make their diet balanced and healthy.

Here's how often you should feed your pet.

Puppies (up to 6 months)

Small pups require more frequent feeding due to their fast growth and higher energy needs.

They typically need to be fed 3 to 4 times a day.


Consult with a specialist to determine the specific feeding schedule and portion sizes based on your puppy's breed and weight.

Adult dogs (6 months to 7 years)

Most adult dogs can require food twice a day, usually in the morning and then in the evening.

However, some pets may do well with a single daily meal, while others may benefit from three smaller meals spread throughout the whole day.

The size of their meals should also be appropriate for your pet friend's size, breed, and also how active they are.

Senior dogs (7 years and older)

As dogs age, their metabolism may slow down, and their activity levels may decrease. 

Senior dogs may benefit from a feeding schedule similar to adult dogs, but their portion sizes may need adjustment to prevent weight gain or to accommodate any specific dietary needs related to aging or health conditions. 

A veterinarian can provide guidance on the appropriate feeding routine for your senior pet friend.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Puppies (up to 6 months)
  2. Adult dogs (6 months to 7 years)
  3. Senior dogs (7 years and older)