Cortisol, a steroid hormone, is produced by the adrenal glands. It is a vital hormone for many of your body's functions.
One of the main functions of cortisol is to regulate the body's response to stress.
Other functions of cortisol include controlling the body's use of macronutrients, regulating blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and suppressing inflammation.

How exactly do animals help combat stress
The medicinal properties of animals have been effectively used in the fight against various ailments since ancient times.
Experts have found that cats, dogs, horses, bees and snakes have abilities that have a beneficial effect on human health.
Each group of animals treats “their” diseases.
Interestingly, clinical studies also say the same thing: dogs, cats and even fish can reduce stress levels, help fight depression and allow for socialization.
Cats calm nerves and help normalize blood pressure. Several recent studies have confirmed that cat purring speeds up the healing process of injuries, relieves stress and shortness of breath.
As part of an experiment, American scientists calculated that cats purr at a frequency of up to 150 Hz.