It is recommended to give rodents a little cottage cheese, a boiled egg, milk, and once a week a small piece of boiled meat.
Many hamsters like small insects - ants, worms, grasshoppers, beetles, locusts. It is best to buy such “live” food in pet stores.
What do hamsters like to eat
Carrots, zucchini, beets, cauliflower, bell peppers, broccoli.

Fruits, berries - cherries, strawberries, apples, currants, bananas.
From what else hamsters can eat, it is worth highlighting dried fruits such as dried apricots, prunes and raisins, as well as nuts - pine, walnuts, hazelnuts. Meat, fish and eggs.
How much food does a hamster need and how to feed a rodent correctly
Adult hamsters are fed once a day. It is best in the evening, because rodents are predominantly nocturnal.
Twice feeding is also allowed: in the evening and early in the morning, before the animal falls asleep.
Do you need to feed your hamster every day
The amount of food is determined by the type and size of the rodent, as well as lifestyle: an active pet will eat more than a calm one.
Food should be given twice a day, and the “schedule” should be taken into account, because the hamster is a nocturnal animal and eats more and more often at night than during the day.
How often should you change your hamster's water
You need to change the water every day.
What kind of water should you offer your hamster? Certainly not from the tap.
It is better to give him boiled or clean spring water at room temperature.