Important to Know: What to Do if Your Dog Has Fleas

12.02.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Not only animals, but also people can be bitten by fleas.

For example, the cat flea is unpretentious in its choice of food, so it can attack dogs, rabbits, rats, mice, as well as humans.

Signs of fleas on a dog

Signs of fleas may include itching, scratching, hair loss, and red and sore spots around the lower back or base of the tail.

You may also notice flea dirt (technically flea poop) and see the fleas themselves.

Fleas typically live in carpets, folds of fabric, upholstered furniture, floor crevices, behind baseboards, and other hard-to-reach places in the home.


How long do fleas live on a dog

Contrary to popular belief, fleas do not live long.

Moreover, the natural life cycle of fleas is significantly reduced by environmental conditions, which are not always favorable for them.

The average lifespan of a blood-sucking insect is no more than 3 months, and this is in an ideal habitat.

How to quickly get rid of fleas on a dog

An easy way to get rid of bloodsuckers is to spray flea spray on the scruff of the neck.

They will disappear from your pet's fur for up to 4 weeks.

The method has contraindications; due to toxic substances, sprays cannot be used by puppies and nursing dogs.

To get rid of fleas, use citrus, eucalyptus, coniferous, and tea tree oils.

Their smell repels parasites. Oils are applied both to the dog’s coat and added to the water when bathing.

Previously, we told you how to properly care for your dog's coat.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Signs of fleas on a dog
  2. How long do fleas live on a dog
  3. How to quickly get rid of fleas on a dog