Indoor toilet for small breeds: Pet owner's tips

07.11.2023 16:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

While it's better to walk your dog multiple times a day, it's sometimes hard to find time for that, especially for people with busy schedules.

If you have a small breed dog, then you can create an emergency toilet for your pet, and it can help you when you're too busy.

Here are some tips on how to do that.

Choose the Right Surface

You have a few options for the surface of the indoor dog toilet.

Use disposable doggy pads designed for this purpose. They are absorbent and can be easily replaced.


Special indoor dog grass mats mimic the outdoors and are washable.

Some small dogs prefer using a litter box filled with dog-friendly litter.

Containment Tray or Holder

Place a shallow tray or holder under the chosen surface. This helps collect any liquid and prevents it from spilling onto your floor. 

You can find trays specifically made for doggy pads or grass mats.

Introduce Your Dog

Show your dog the designated indoor toilet area. Encourage them to explore it by using treats and praise. 

Do this several times, so they become comfortable with the spot.

Regular Pad Replacement

If you're using doggy pads, replace them when they become soiled. 

This keeps the area clean and odor-free. Artificial grass mats can be rinsed and washed as needed.

Clean Up Accidents Promptly

If your dog has an accident outside the designated area, clean it up quickly with a pet-friendly cleaner. 

This helps prevent your dog from considering that spot as an alternative toilet.

Praise and Reward

When your dog successfully uses the indoor toilet, offer lots of praise and a small treat as a reward. 

Positive reinforcement encourages them to continue using the designated area.

Outdoor Walks

While the indoor toilet is convenient, it's essential to continue taking your dog for regular outdoor walks. 

Outdoor time provides exercise, fresh air, and the opportunity for your dog to relieve themselves outside.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Choose the Right Surface
  2. Containment Tray or Holder
  3. Introduce Your Dog
  4. Regular Pad Replacement
  5. Clean Up Accidents Promptly
  6. Praise and Reward
  7. Outdoor Walks