Interesting Facts: How Animals Help People

07.09.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

New research from the University of South Australia shows that owning and caring for pets can also promote communication and well-being, especially for people with acquired language difficulties such as aphasia.

What are the health benefits of pets

A 1980 study of 92 patients suffering from heart disease. Scientists from the University of Maryland found that those who had pets lived longer.

Recovery was faster, and the risk of death was 15% lower for those who kept a cat or dog.

Scientists explained this by the fact that the presence of animals forces the owners to be more active - walk, feed, clean up after them.

In addition, such activity is important for patients who have had a stroke.


What animals are treated for depression

The first place in the ranking of “antidepressant animals” is occupied by dogs: their owners, according to independent studies from different countries, are less prone to developing depression.

So, scientists from Japan and the USA found that communication with dogs can be equated with communication with loved ones.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What are the health benefits of pets
  2. What animals are treated for depression