Interesting Facts: How Smart Octopuses Are

16.08.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

The new octopus cognition study provides a promising model for studying memory networks in other animals and humans.

Octopus Intelligence

Octopuses are real superheroes among invertebrates. They are extremely intelligent, able to regrow lost limbs, cause opponents to lose their sense of smell and sight, squeeze into the smallest cracks and perfectly camouflage.

Cephalopods in general and octopuses in particular are known for their high level of development, which becomes more noticeable when compared with their closest relatives: snails, toothless


In the course of numerous studies, it was found that these creatures are easy to train. They also have a good memory, they can distinguish between sizes and geometric shapes. There were individuals who got used to the people who fed them and recognized them by their faces.

Why does an octopus have three hearts

Paired gill (or bronchial) hearts push blood through the gills, participating in the pulmonary circulation. Moreover, the central system carries oxygen-enriched hemolymph throughout the body.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Octopus Intelligence
  2. Why does an octopus have three hearts