Not just meowing: Sounds that cats can produce

10.11.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

We often think that cats can only meow and purr, but they usually use these sounds to communicate with people, not other cats.

In fact, cats can produce over 100 kinds of sounds, and some of them might be pretty surprising.

Let's find out more about how cats actually can talk.


Cats hiss as a defensive response. It's a warning sign that they feel threatened or scared. 

Hissing is a way for them to communicate that they want to be left alone or that they are ready to defend themselves.

cat meowing


Similar to hissing, growling is a sign of displeasure or fear. Cats growl to express aggression or to establish their territory. 

It can serve as a warning to potential threats, indicating that the cat is prepared to defend its space.

Chirping or Chattering

Cats often make chirping or chattering sounds when they are observing birds or other prey animals. 

This behavior is thought to mimic the sound birds make. 

Some theories suggest that it's a frustration response or an expression of excitement and anticipation.


Trilling is a melodic, vibrating sound that cats use to communicate friendliness or excitement. 

Mother cats often trill to get the attention of their kittens, and adult cats may trill to greet their human companions or other cats.


Yowling is a loud, drawn-out vocalization that cats use for various reasons. 

Male cats yowl to attract females during the mating season. Female cats may yowl if they are in heat. 

Cats can also yowl when in pain, feeling lonely, or seeking attention.

Chirping at Birds

When a cat is watching birds or other small animals, it may produce a soft chirping sound. 

This behavior is thought to be a mix of frustration and excitement, expressing the cat's interest in the potential prey.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Hissing
  2. Growling
  3. Chirping or Chattering
  4. Trilling
  5. Yowling
  6. Chirping at Birds