Orangutans live in Indonesia and amaze with their intelligence.
In the article, you will learn amazing facts about these animals.
What kind of life do these animals have
These primates live in trees, are active during the day, and rarely come down to the ground.

To sleep at night, they build nests from branches broken and placed in the forks of trees.
Animals sleep, covered with leaves and branches.
Females try to stay high in the trees - up to 20 m, males often descend lower and move on the ground much more often than females.
What makes oragutans unique
Orangutans, unlike most animals, know how to use tools, for example, to get food.
Primates use a branch to extract honey or insects from nests, or use a short stick to pierce thick-skinned fruits to extract the pulp.
One young male once took a man-made flake between his teeth to get to a reward, and also once made three chips from a core himself, but did not use them.
What is the diet of orangutans
The diet is predominantly plant-based, however, monkeys can eat insects, bird eggs, and even small chicks.
Orangutans live longer than other hominids, not counting humans.
In captivity, there are cases where individuals lived longer than 60 years.
How many orangutans are left in the world
Unfortunately, over the past 70 years, the world's population of orangutans has declined sharply.
There are only about 50 thousand of them left in Kalimantan.
Previously, we told amazing facts about seagulls.