Penguins: Interesting Facts – Amazing Nature

05.02.2024 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

You probably know that the penguin is an unusual bird: it cannot fly, but it swims very quickly under water. In addition, this bird’s wings are special, they don’t bend.

They are elastic flippers covered with short feathers that overlap one another like scales.

Interesting Facts

Penguins are large flightless birds that live in cold climates. Penguins are swimming birds and, therefore, have a body adapted for the aquatic environment: a streamlined body shape, webbed hind limbs and wings that have been modified into flippers.


The largest representative of penguins is the emperor penguin, whose height reaches 120 cm, and the smallest is the small, or blue penguin. Its height on average is only 33 cm.

The fastest of the penguins is the subantarctic, or gentoo penguin.

Underwater it can reach speeds of up to 36 km/h.

What can penguins do

While swimming underwater, penguins are silent, and when they are on land, they talk to each other, making sounds similar to the sounds of a trumpet.

They feed on fish, shellfish and squid. One of the “unique things” of these birds is that they do not need fresh water: they can quench their thirst with salty or sea water.

Previously, we told amazing facts about dolphins.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Interesting Facts
  2. What can penguins do