Reasons why a dog sticks out its tongue: not everyone knows about it

19.04.2024 00:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Sometimes dogs may stick out their tongue frequently.

In the article, you will find out what this may be connected with.

Why does a dog stick out its tongue

Dogs may stick out their tongues in different situations.


Dogs may pant rapidly and stick out their tongues due to stress and anxiety.

For example, when a dog visits a veterinarian or when the animal is left alone for a long time.

For example, when an animal is scared.

The pet's heart rate and breathing quicken and it becomes hot. Therefore, such a reaction to stress appears.

Sometimes dogs stick out their tongues when they are very hot to cool themselves down and lower their body temperature.

Dogs have significantly fewer sweat glands than humans do.

Therefore, heat exchange occurs differently. Including by evaporation of saliva from the surface of the tongue.

The animal does the same during serious physical exertion.

The animal has to normalize the condition in the only possible way.

The same thing is observed in moments of great joy of the dog.

Previously, we talked about the dangers of obesity in dogs.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource