Recommendations from the Veterinarian: How to Properly Monitor Your Cat's Health

12.08.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24


In this article, you will learn what is important to consider when caring for a cat. Proper care reduces the risk of pet health problems.

How to understand that the cat is doing well with health

A healthy cat has an excellent appetite, a smooth and shiny coat, a cold and moist nose (during sleep it can be dry and warm), mucous membranes are pink and moderately moist. Vigor and mobility are also signs of the health of the animal.

What should be the care of a cat
Cat care includes constant hygiene procedures. It is necessary to monitor the ears, teeth, cat hair, eyes and regularly trim the claws. Cats do not like hygiene procedures very much, so the animal must be gradually accustomed to them from childhood.

How many times a day should a cat be fed

Babies are fed up to 4-5 times a day in small portions, an adult cat - 1-2 times, and an elderly cat is enough to feed once a day, which is associated with a decrease in appetite and a slow metabolism. You also need to consider the level of activity of the cat.

Why do cats need to be castrated

Once hormone production stops, cats no longer need to leave their scent on walls, furniture, and clothing. Reduced aggression. If several cats live in the apartment or the pet goes for a walk on the street, then castration is a great way to create a calm atmosphere.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to understand that the cat is doing well with health
  2. How many times a day should a cat be fed
  3. Why do cats need to be castrated