Tigers: Interesting Facts – Amazing Nature

13.05.2024 21:21

Tigers are one of the largest predatory mammals on Earth.

They are distinguished by their powerful build and impressive size.

What features does a tiger have

Typically, tigers have a body length of 1.7 to 3.3 meters, and their tail can reach 1.1 meters in length.


The weight of adult individuals ranges from 100 to 300 kilograms.

Tigers, like humans, have well-developed color vision.

Even though tiger vision is not very well adapted to seeing in the dark, tigers can see about six times better than humans.

Tigers usually do not roar at other animals, however, they communicate with each other using roars.

They growl during a fight or let out a victorious growl after a successful hunt.

When meeting a person or rival, they hiss or purr threateningly. When attacked, they snort like a domestic cat.

Nevertheless, during love encounters they purr gently, sometimes turning to meowing.

Nepalese authorities have announced that the number of tigers in the country has almost doubled since 2009: there are now 235 of them.

What tigers can do well

Tigers are good hunters (for example, they hunt large artiodactyl animals), like other cats, they know how to climb trees and fight with other males for territory.

They can also catch fish and crustaceans.

Tigers are very smart animals and are easy to train.

Previously, we talked about whales.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What features does a tiger have
  2. What tigers can do well