Veterinarian Answers: Most Frequently Asked Questions about Pet Rats

05.06.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Rats are interesting pets that are not so difficult to care for. However, it is important to be aware of some of the nuances.

How to understand that a rat is cold

When your rat becomes cold and uncomfortable, you will easily recognize: he will hide in his little house in the cage, curl up there and try to warm him with the heat of his own body. There is no house - then your rat will simply curl up into a kind of fluffy ball.

How to call a rat

Rats respond well to vocal commands, but they should be short, clear, and in an ode to intonation. They know their nicknames.

If, for example, you are looking for them in a room, you can simply call one of the flock by name, or call everyone to the sound of a voice that resembles a click of a fountain pen.

How to understand that rats are stressed

If the rat is stressed, it may begin to cut hair from its paws with its teeth. Stress can be caused by a sudden change in the familiar interior or being nearby a dominant or aggressive animal. Another cause of hair loss and scratching are parasites - lice or mites.


How not to take a rat

You can not pick up a decorative rat by the tail - this can lead to the fact that part of the tail will remain in the hands of a person, and the rat, after losing part of the tail, will become more clumsy and slow. Pick up a decorative rat should be careful, remembering the rules.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to understand that a rat is cold
  2. How to call a rat
  3. How to understand that rats are stressed
  4. How not to take a rat