Veterinarian's Explanation: Why Dogs Eat Grass

30.05.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Surely, you often noticed how your pet eats grass in the yard. In the article, we will explain why dogs have such a habit.

Presence of a disease

A dog can eat grass if it is sick. For example, in this way the animal copes with an upset stomach in order to feel better.

The herb improves digestion and helps with vomiting.


Fiber deficiency

Even if the pet eats a balanced diet, the animal may still have a lack of fiber for normal bowel function.

To check this, you can consult your veterinarian.

Sometimes for a dog in the diet you need to add some vegetables and fruits that are safe for the animal. For example, an apple or a carrot.

Way of entertainment

Yes, chewing grass can be interesting and fun for your pet.

This may indicate a study and interest in the world around.

However, sometimes grass contains harmful fertilizers and pesticides that can be harmful to your pet.

You can allow your dog to eat grass if you are sure it is clean and safe.

In addition, if the habit is recent, it may be worth checking the animal's health.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Presence of a disease
  2. Fiber deficiency
  3. Way of entertainment