In the article you will find out whether it is possible for cats to have cereals and how to feed a pet with natural nutrition.
Can cats have cereals
The digestive tract of predators is shorter than that of herbivores. Therefore, cats should be given easily digestible cereals - these are buckwheat, oatmeal and rice. Buckwheat contains a large amount of vegetable protein, as well as vitamins B, E, PP and folic acid.
Why cats can't eat grain
Therefore, if grain products in the form of gluten appear in the composition of the feed, this indicates that the feed contains a low amount of animal proteins. Grains such as wheat, corn and soy are not at all useful for our domestic predators.

Can cats eat pasta
Definitely not. In cats, 90% of the diet should be protein. If you are feeding your cat from your table, you need to balance proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which is quite difficult, but some owners manage to do it. Pasta, fried potatoes, of course, are harmful for pets.
What to feed a cat on a natural diet
A natural cat's diet should include lean meats such as chicken, beef, or turkey, raw or steamed vegetables, lean dairy products, and fish. Do not give raw milk to a cat - in adult felines, it is practically not absorbed.