Among cats, there are record holders for small size.
In this article, we will tell you about the smallest cats in the world.
What is the smallest cat breed
The smallest cat in the world is the Singapura breed, or Singapura.

This breed originated in Asia when it was exhibited in 1976.
Since then, the breed has enjoyed well-deserved recognition and popularity.
Unlike ordinary cats, this breed weighs 2-3 times less. Adult cats weigh about 3 kg, females - no more than 2 kg.
Besides that breed, the shortest breed is considered to be the one with short legs - the American Munchkin.
In 2014, the cat received the status of the shortest cat in the world and was included in the Guinness Book of Records.
The height of this cat breed is only 13.5 cm.
However, it is worth remembering that all dwarf animals, including cats, have an increased risk of bone and joint diseases.
Therefore, those who keep such breeds of cats need to be attentive to the health of the pet and monitor the diet and diet of the animal.
Previously, we talked about how cats communicate with each other.