What kind of fish can be given to a cat, and what kind should not be given: who, if not you, will take care of your pet’s health

16.04.2024 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Feeding your cat seafood is important for your cat's health.

In this article, we will tell you how to feed your furry pet fish correctly and safely.

What kind of fish can you give your cat

You can include tuna, salmon, trout, hake, cod, capelin and sea bass in your cat or dog's diet.

Many useful substances and vitamins are also found in seafood.

You can also add crab, squid, mussels or shrimp to your pet's diet.


By including fish or other seafood in your cat's diet, you are doing more than just feeding your pet.

This way, you're feeding your animal essential fatty acids, lean proteins, and key vitamins and minerals.

What fish should you not give to cats

Never feed your cats salted or smoked fish.

The animal's body is not able to absorb salt in such large quantities.

Excess salt tends to be deposited in the kidneys and causes urolithiasis or kidney failure.

Therefore, do not salt the fish when cooking.

Also, carefully ensure that there is not a single bone in the fish meat.

Previously, we told you why cats love to lie on a person’s stomach.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What kind of fish can you give your cat
  2. What fish should you not give to cats