When should you neuter or spay your dog: important information for you

30.06.2024 00:00

It is important to spay or neuter a dog at the right age.

When should you spay or neuter your dog

According to a recent article published in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science, early neutering of golden retrievers may lead to an increased risk of joint disease as well as certain types of cancer.

Experts say that this is an individual question, which depends on the breed, gender and health characteristics of the dog.

Therefore, it is important to consider several facts about your pet at once in order to understand when castration or sterilization can be performed.

According to research, early spaying or neutering has different consequences for each breed.

Photo: © Belnovosti

For example, in male mastiffs there is a risk of lymphoma; in Siberian huskies, early castration is not fraught with joint problems.

Since this is an individual matter, you should do detailed research on your dog's health and breed, and consult with your veterinarian.

Previously, we talked about why dogs are afraid of fireworks and whether it is possible to take them with you to a holiday.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource