Why cats love warmth so much: Specialists explain

01.06.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Cats love warmth a lot, so they often look for sunlight or heaters around the house.

But isn't their fur enough to keep them warm?

Specialists explain why cats actually need additional sources of warmth sometimes.


Comfort and Relaxation

Warmth provides a sense of comfort and relaxation for cats. 

It can help soothe their muscles, joints, and promote a sense of well-being. 

Heat Conservation

Cats have a higher heat loss through their skin compared to some other animals. 

They have relatively large surface areas in proportion to their body mass. 

Ancestral Instincts

Cats' ancestors were wild desert-dwelling creatures, and warmth played a vital role in their survival. 

Sunlit spots and warm areas were ideal for resting, hunting, and conserving energy. 

Heat Absorption

Cats have specialized thermoreceptors in their skin that can detect and absorb radiant heat. 

They are attracted to warm surfaces, such as sunny spots on the floor or furniture, heating vents, or cozy blankets, which provide them with direct heat absorption.

Enhanced Sleep

Cats are known for their love of sleeping, and warmth can contribute to better-quality sleep. 

Comfortably warm environments help cats relax and enter a deep and restful sleep, aiding in their overall health and well-being.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Comfort and Relaxation
  2. Heat Conservation
  3. Ancestral Instincts
  4. Heat Absorption
  5. Enhanced Sleep