Cats may hide from you for a variety of reasons.
Animals have a vital need to feel safe and protect themselves from potentially dangerous and stressful situations.
Why is the cat hiding
The habit of hiding is most often normal behavior for a cat.

Usually the reasons for this behavior are due to the fact that it is part of the instinctive behavior of cats.
Since a cat is a solitary predator by nature, the animal will hide and find secluded places in the house to feel safe.
In nature, predators are alone and defenseless, so if they are injured or harmed, the risk of death increases.
In addition, by hiding in a secluded corner, it is easier for the cat to observe what is happening around.
In addition, if a cat hides under a sofa or other similar place, this may mean that the animal is experiencing physical or emotional discomfort.
This could be the stress of having a baby or a new animal in the house.
On the other hand, it could be a sign of illness or pain. After all, cats often seek shelter for themselves when experiencing physical pain.
How to tell if your cat is stressed
In this case, the cat's eyes are wide open, ears are pressed to the head, whiskers are pulled back, the nose is wrinkled, and the fangs are exposed.
Acute stress may cause increased breathing, trembling, drooling, and involuntary urination and defecation.
If you notice changes in your pet's behavior, this is a reason to seek veterinary help.
Previously, we told you why it is important to wash your pet's bowl.