In this article, we will tell you why to wash your cat’s bowl, how often to do it and what cleaning products to use.
This is important to know for the safety of your pet.
Why wash your cat's bowl
It's all about the bacteria in the plate. Pasteurella multocida, Salmonella, Streptococcus and Moraxella are just some of the dangerous bacteria and microbes that live on the surface of cats' bowls.

If you don't clean the bowl, bacteria will accumulate.
This may be hazardous to your health.
Wash food bowls after every meal. Water bowls should be cleaned every two days with hot, soapy water.
Also, wash your hands with hot water and soap before and after cleaning your pet's bowl to prevent the transfer of contaminants.
Is it possible to wash a cat's bowl in the sink
It is better to wash pet bowls separately from people's dishes.
When your pet comes into contact with dishes, germs can be transmitted and there is a risk of contracting an infectious or parasitic disease. So use a separate sink or clean it after.
Also, take separate rags and sponges for cleaning.
How to properly wash a cat's bowl
Wash the bowls in hot water, rinse thoroughly and dry completely.
First, fill the container with hot water and detergent.
After soaking for 10-20 minutes, rinse with hot water and air dry thoroughly or using a clean, separate towel.
It is better to wash particularly difficult stains in your pet’s dishes by hand using soda, natural and fragrance-free products.
You can also use the detergents that you usually use, but then be sure to rinse very well with hot water.
We previously talked about why cats snore.