Wild animals that tolerate humans: Learn more about wildlife

08.10.2023 17:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Most wild animals are afraid of humans, or simply hate or prey on them - that's why you should probably stay away from them.

Meanwhile, some wild animals can actually tolerate humans relatively well, and they aren't always afraid of us, people.

Here are a few examples of these animals.


Learned behavior

Some wild animals are okay with being around people. They don't get scared or aggressive. 

These animals have learned to live near humans without feeling threatened. They might even come close to towns or cities sometimes.

For example, squirrels, pigeons, and some types of birds are animals that usually don't mind being near people. 

They might even come into parks or gardens where people are. They usually do it to find more food.

Some bigger animals like deer or raccoons can also get used to people, especially if they find food easily in places where humans live.

Don't bother them, though

But even if some wild animals seem friendly, it's important to remember they are still wild. It's best to watch them from a distance and not try to touch or feed them. 

This helps keep both people and the animals safe and healthy.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Learned behavior
  2. Don't bother them, though