Lots of people forget small items in their pockets before washing them in their washing machines - it happens way too regularly. But even if you're forgetful, it's still better to change your habits, because it can ruin not only some small items in your pockets, but also clothes.
Kate Yakimchuk washing Helpful tips 24 November 2023If you have a big family, or just don't like doing laundry too often, then you probably wash lots of clothes at once. It's easy to wash them in a washing machine, but it's not always easy to airdry them all at once.
Kate Yakimchuk laundry drying tips Helpful tips 24 November 2023Wet and warm chewing gum can be extremely sticky, so it can easily ruin your favorite clothes. But even if you accidentally let it happen, there are still a few things you can do to save your clothes.
Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tips Helpful tips 23 November 2023You don't need your winter clothes in summer, and vice versa - so you should organize your clothes wisely. One of the best things you can do for your wardrobe is to sort your clothes by seasons and store them separately - it's convenient!
Kate Yakimchuk storage seasons tips Helpful tips 23 November 2023If you accidentally spill something on your favorite jeans, then you have to act quickly - just to prevent stubborn stains. But even if the stain is already there, you still can get rid of it - you just need to know some hacks on how to do it.
Kate Yakimchuk stains jeans cleaning Helpful tips 22 November 2023Natural leather is beautiful and long-lasting, but it's also expensive, so it's always easier to buy a faux leather jacket. This material has lots of benefits, but you should take good care of it, or else it won't last for too long.
Kate Yakimchuk leather cleaning tips Helpful tips 21 November 2023Gasoline for lighters is best, but you can also use kerosene from a hardware store.
Diana Dashkevich washing stains Helpful tips 17 November 2023A good coat requires regular cleaning to stay beautiful and comfortable, so lots of people prefer to use professional cleaning services. Meanwhile, you can clean your coats at home as well - you just need to know how to do it effectively and safely.
Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tips Helpful tips 8 November 2023Some dog breeds can benefit from dog clothes - they can keep them warm and safe. Meanwhile, not all dog clothes are equal - some of them are basically useless, because their provide neigher warmth nor protection.
Kate Yakimchuk pets dogs tips comfort Animals 7 November 2023Modern people don't iron their clothes too often - they simply don't always have time for it. Therefore, it's easier to store your clothes properly, so they won't get any wrinkles.
Kate Yakimchuk hangers storage Helpful tips 3 November 2023Air-drying is the easiest way to dry your clothes, but sometimes it's too cold or humid for this method to work well. In that case, you have to find other ways to make your clothes dry without destroying them.
Kate Yakimchuk laundry drying tips Helpful tips 2 November 2023It's quite easy to dry wet clothes when it's warm or even hot inside, but what if your house is cold? It can be quite problematic to quickly dry your clothes, so it's time to be creative.
Kate Yakimchuk drying laundry Helpful tips 2 November 2023If you iron your clothes regularly, then at some point you might notice that your clothes stick to the iron. It can be quite irritating and uncomfortable, and it can also damage your clothes sometimes.
Kate Yakimchuk ironing tips Helpful tips 31 October 2023Washing too often, using high temperatures, spinning the drum at high speeds, or not turning your clothes inside out before washing can cause unsightly lumps to appear on your clothes.
Diana Dashkevich clothing care lifehacks Helpful tips 28 October 2023The product dries quickly and does not require ironing.
Diana Dashkevich clothing care washing Helpful tips 27 October 2023Many dog breeds require dog clothes to stay warm and safe during cold and wet months. While most dogs dislike clothes in general, some clothes can be actually inconvenient or even painful to wear.
Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets tips discomfort Animals 24 October 2023Turn on the “wool” button or the most delicate mode that the machine provides.
Diana Dashkevich cleaning washing Helpful tips 20 October 2023Some items don't need ironing, and other clothes look awful after you wash and dry them, so ironing them is essential. Meanwhile, ironing can also destroy some of your clothes, especially when you do it wrong.
Kate Yakimchuk ironing tips Helpful tips 17 October 2023When drying clothes after washing them, lots of people want them to dry faster, so they place them near heaters. While it can actually make your items dry faster, it's not a great idea - it can potentially damage your clothes, or even cause real danger.
Kate Yakimchuk drying Helpful tips 17 October 2023Most labels want you to turn out your clothes before washing them, but plenty of people simply forget to do it regularly. In fact, this habit can be quite beneficial, because it can actually make your clothes last longer.
Kate Yakimchuk laundry tips washing Helpful tips 17 October 2023