Fish will no longer have to be rolled in wheat flour when frying, there is a much better option

22.04.2022 09:15

A simple and delicious way to cook fish is to fry it in a frying pan.

Such a fast heat treatment of fish does not require much skill. Even a novice cook can cook fried fish. 

But there are nuances, without knowing which you can spoil even such a simple dish as fried fish.

How to fry fish quickly

Properly fried fish has a crispy crust and is easily separated from the bones, it remains juicy inside.

You can get such a result with the help of a "protective" layer, which will protect the tender flesh of the fish in contact with a hot frying pan.

Foto: Pixabay

There is an option how to cook fried fish deliciously if there was no wheat flour at hand.

Now the fish will turn out even juicier and tastier, with an appetizing tender crust. It will not stick to the pan, unlike wheat flour. 

Roll the fish in rice flour, which is sold in any grocery store, it is inexpensive.

Season the fish with salt and pepper to taste, roll in rice flour and fry in vegetable oil until a golden crust forms.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource