Apricots are stone fruits with a sweet and sour taste and a unique aroma.
The fruit contains many useful microelements and vitamins.
What are the benefits of apricots for the body
Apricots contain beneficial substances such as phenols and flavonoids.

They perfectly support the functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems.
The fruit supports the health of the visual system due to its carotenoid content.
It is a source of vitamin A, which prevents eye diseases and visual impairment.
Lutein in the composition has a positive effect on visual acuity and supports normal human cognitive functions.
In addition, apricots maintain healthy and youthful skin and prevent early aging.
The fruit also helps the skin to be more radiant and firm.
Thanks to the dietary fiber in its composition, apricot in the diet prevents constipation and maintains normal intestinal function.
Apricots contain the mineral potassium.
This is beneficial for the health of the heart and blood vessels and improves a person’s blood pressure.
In addition, potassium helps fight bloating.
Apricots are also beneficial for women with menopause, as they contain substances such as lignans.
The vitamins in the composition support the functioning of the immune system and prevent colds.
What is the best way to eat apricots
Apricots are also useful when dried, as they retain all the beneficial vitamins and minerals.
Therefore, you can eat fresh apricots or dried apricots.
The fruit can be added to oatmeal, muesli, smoothies, and yogurt.
Thanks to its unique taste and aroma, apricot can be used to make pies, pastries and desserts.
Previously, we told you what food is best to eat in the morning.