To fry eggplants, experienced housewives have long mastered a simple life hack that will prevent the release of excess moisture and also retain the form of the vegetable.
However, most importantly, this way you can get rid of unpleasant bitterness. To do this, before frying, it is enough to sprinkle eggplant slices with salt.
Why Salt Eggplant
Before frying, eggplants are usually cut lengthwise into thin long plates.
Then you need to put the finished vegetable on a plank and sprinkle the plates with coarse salt.
Salt begins to act instantly, but it is better to wait 5-10 minutes.
How to fry
Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the vegetable over medium heat.
It should be remembered that eggplants absorb oil, and they need to be fried until a pleasant blush forms.
After pre-salting, it is much more convenient to turn over the sliced \u200b\u200bplates, the pieces are strong and do not spread.
In addition, salted eggplants absorb less oil and will definitely not turn into porridge in a pan.
The only drawback of this method of cooking eggplants is the risk of oversalting them.