How to replace eggs in baking: a trick that many do not even know about

15.04.2022 11:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 23:00

Frightened by the reports of nutritionists about the dangers of cholesterol, many consciously and unconsciously seek to exclude chicken eggs from their diet.

If the measure is resulted from the medical indications – there is no arguing. Let's tell you how you can replace this product if you want pastry.

Eggs are not consumed for various reasons. It can be medical indications, and personal beliefs (for example, vegans), and also for religious reasons – fasting.

Here are a few products that will replace chicken eggs.

Soda and vinegar

In this combination, the products take over the main function of eggs, making the pastries more lush and airy.

Foto: Pixabay

It is preferable to use apple or wine vinegar, because their presence will not affect the taste and appearance of the finished dish.

Replace 1 chicken egg with 1 tbsp. l. together with 1 tsp. soda added to the dough.

This method is not suitable for those recipes where the use of three or more eggs is implied.

Fruit puree

You can replace eggs with banana or pumpkin puree. It is noteworthy that this vegetables and fruit can be used not only in baking, but also in the recipe of meat dishes.

Another advantage is the presence of natural sugar in it, which makes the finished dish healthy.

In addition, the pastries turn out juicy, purees are ideal for making cookies and cupcakes, which acquire a light fruity taste.

1 egg to replace 50 g of fruit or vegetable puree.


It should be noted right away that starch is useless when it we talk about the wet pies. Alternatively, in such cases, starch can be used with apple or banana puree.

1 egg replaces 2 tablespoons of starch with the same amount of water.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Soda and vinegar
  2. Fruit puree
  3. Starch