Mistakes that ruin potato puree: many housewives do not know

30.03.2022 09:15

Potato puree is considered one of the most popular side dishes.

Delicious, delicate and smooth dish will leave few people indifferent.

However, in the preparation of potato puree there are some nuances, the violation of which can ruin the dish.

Then an unappetizing, gray and tasteless mass will have to be served on the table.

First you need to choose the right potato variety. Those with a high starch content are valued. Most often these are white varieties.

Foto: Pixabay

In a hurry or without attention, the housewives pour hot water for cooking, which cannot be done. In this case, the potatoes will boil unevenly. Only cold water is used.

Salt should only be added at the beginning of cooking.

If you do this at the end, then the potatoes will not be salted.

Cold milk is responsible for the grey color of the dish.

A completely different result will be obtained if the milk is heated and a piece of butter is put into it.

Press boiled potatoes by hand - no blenders.

Otherwise, you will end up with a sticky rubber mass. This is due to the resolution of starch.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource