Housewives know that pancakes very often turn out hard and gray.
Moreover, they are so obtained because vegetable, olive or sunflower oil is present in the dough.
To make pancakes brown, you need to add only 1 ingredient to the dough - butter.

Of course, vegetable and other types of oils should not be in the dough.
Then the pancakes will be cooked and brown, lush, delicate in taste.
Before you add butter to the dough, you need to melt it, let it cool, and then add it to the dough.
2-3 pieces of butter are enough for a liter of dough.
Butter solves another "pancake" problem.
If the pancakes turned out to be dryish, with brittle dry edges, then each pancake in the stack should be smeared with butter, and cover the stack with a plate.
Then all the pancakes soaked in oil will become moist, tender and soft.