The secret of the most tender cottage-cheese pancakes: what mistake do housewives make

31.03.2022 21:15

Cottage-cheese pancakes are considered one of the best dishes that can be served for breakfast.

You can cook cottage-cheese pancakes in different ways: there are an incredible number of recipes, as well as recommendations.

There are a few tricks that will help you prepare the perfect cottage-cheese pancakes that won't turn into just pancakes and won't melt in the pan.

cheese pancakes
Foto: Pixabay

What is important to know when making cottage cheese pancakes

Choosing the right cottage cheese is the main secret of perfect cottage cheese pancakes.

Cottage cheese, which has a liquid structure, becomes the main cause of unsuccessful cottage cheese pancakes, which will quickly fall off after cooking, as soon as they are on the plate.

When choosing cottage cheese, consider:

  • freshness of the product;
  • coarse structure;
  • its non-acidity.

It is better to buy dry cottage cheese of good fat content, then the cottage cheese pancakes will definitely not fall off and will not be too wet.

Dilute too dry cheese with a small amount of kefir or sour cream. Drain the wet cottage cheese in a colander to remove unnecessary whey.

After mixing all the ingredients according to your favorite recipe, wipe the resulting mass through a sieve, you can also use a blender.

Not only cottage cheese plays an important role in this, but also additional ingredients: sugar and eggs.

To avoid high humidity, take 1 egg per 1-2 kg of cottage cheese, and it is better to put sugar to a minimum.

Semolina will help out if the dough is still wet. Add semolina in a small amount and leave to swell for 15-20 minutes.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource