A person’s well-being largely depends on nutrition and vitamin deficiencies.
It is important that the diet is balanced and complete.
What vitamins affect your energy levels
The following vitamins and microelements influence the level of energy and vigor: C, B1, H (biotin), folic acid, vitamin D, copper, chromium, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine.

Vitamin deficiencies usually occur with an unbalanced diet.
What foods are important to add to your diet
Taking a B complex vitamin provides the body with adequate supplies of each type to maximize energy production.
To feel more energetic, eat more different proteins - nuts, mushrooms, seafood, meat, chicken eggs, dairy products.
Also, add berries, fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet.
You should also eat avocados, legumes, and cereals more often. For example, quinoa, green buckwheat, ptitim, bulgur.
Oatmeal with nuts and seeds is a source of protein, magnesium, thiamine, and phosphorus.
Low-fat yogurt without additives - contains bacteria and amino acids that are beneficial for the stomach and intestines, producing serotonin - the hormone of happiness.
Previously, we told you what foods prevent you from losing excess weight.