You've probably heard the term freeganism.
What is freeganism
Freeganism is a way of life for a person, which is based on minimizing consumed resources in food, clothing, furniture, and so on.
This means that freegans consciously refuse to buy and use new food, clothing, equipment and other products. This has environmental reasons.

It is worth noting that freegans do not equal vegans. Since they can eat animal products, but refuse to buy furniture or clothes.
Typically, freegans are concerned with humanity's overconsumption of resources and its impact on the environment.
Although, sometimes freegans also adhere to veganism and express concerns about the ethics of using animals for food.
Do freegans eat spoiled food
This is a common myth about freeganism. The fact is that freegans often take food from trash bins in stores and cafes.
However, freeganism is not a habit of eating expired foods, but a lifestyle of saving resources.
People with this worldview use food and drinks that have been thrown away, but are actually edible.
Previously, we talked about the benefits and harms of oatmeal.