What to pour into a saucepan while cooking dumplings: a simple technique will make the dish much tastier

21.04.2022 18:15

It's hard to find a person who has never cooked dumplings in his life.

Heat treatment of semi-finished products is a simple and fast process. Even a child can handle cooking.

It would seem that all the secrets of cooking dumplings have long been known.

Foto: Pixabay

However, many cooks do not know about one interesting technique. We are talking about adding an additional portion of water to the pan.

The essence of the reception

The pot in which you plan to cook the dumplings, you need to fill half with a clean liquid, and then put it on the stove.

When the water becomes slightly warm, you can throw frozen dumplings into it.

After the liquid has started to boil, the dish should be thoroughly mixed. As soon as the dumplings have surfaced, you need to use a trick: create a sharp temperature drop.

A glass of cold water should be poured into the container. This should be done slowly: the entire liquid should not be in the pan at once.

After a gradual infusion of an additional portion of water, you should wait for the second boiling.

After a few minutes, the dumplings will be ready. The dish will be very tasty: it will be characterized by well-cooked and tender meat, as well as soft dough.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource