Why a biscuit falls right in the oven: a mistake after which nothing can be fixed

30.04.2022 13:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 02:33

Having gathered to bake a lush sponge cake, the young housewives seem to be doing everything right, but then something incomprehensible happens.

Unable to believe their eyes, cooks often watch the pastries fall right in the oven.

We will tell you what was done wrong with our own hands in this article.

If the risen biscuit falls right in the oven, it will not be possible to save it, so you need to know what the reason is.

The first reason

The mistake could have been made at the stage of kneading the dough. Perhaps you used poor-quality flour or it was simply not enough.

Foto: Pixabay

The second reason

Preheat the oven before you put the dough form in it. In such conditions, baking is baked unevenly. When the biscuit rises, it remains moist and moist inside, which is why it certainly falls off.

The third reason

Perhaps the eggs were badly beaten. They are whipped for 7-10 minutes. Whipping the whites and yolks separately, the whites are whipped to soft peaks, and the yolks to a fluffy white mass.

Sugar is divided in half at the same time. After that, the eggs should not stand, otherwise the air will come out and the baking will fall off.

The fourth reason

If you open the oven door early, you will definitely spoil the baking, so do not touch the door for the next 25 minutes. And also make sure that it is closed tightly.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. The first reason
  2. The second reason
  3. The third reason
  4. The fourth reason